

Pressure Sensors for Industrial Automation: What You Need to Know

In industrial automation, pressure sensors are a critical component for ensuring efficiency, safety, and reliability. Pressure sensors are used in a variety of applications, including process control, leak detection, and material handling. In this article, we will explore what you need to know about pressure sensors for industrial automation.

  1. Types of Pressure Sensors

There are several types of pressure sensors used in industrial automation. The most common types include:

  • Absolute pressure sensors: measure the pressure relative to a vacuum
  • Gauge pressure sensors: measure the pressure relative to atmospheric pressure
  • Differential pressure sensors: measure the pressure difference between two points
  • Vacuum pressure sensors: measure pressures below atmospheric pressure
    Considerations for Selection

When selecting pressure sensors for industrial automation, there are several factors to consider, including:

  • Range: the range of pressures that the sensor can measure.
  • Accuracy: the degree of accuracy with which the sensor can measure pressure.
  • Output: the type of electrical signal output by the sensor, such as voltage or current.
  • Environmental conditions: the conditions in which the sensor will operate, including temperature, humidity, and the presence of corrosive or explosive gases.
  • Mounting and installation: the method of mounting and installing the sensor in the system.

    Post time: Feb-20-2023

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