

What is the “two layers and three levels” of the Industrial Internet of Things?

Industrial Internet

For the data generated by network equipment and business processes, it is required to be able to gather to the remote end in real time, realize data joint analysis, support the rapid decision-making of enterprises, and make decision-making well-founded.

network equipment

At present, the typical network in the factory presents a "two-layer and three-level" structure. "Two layers" refers to the factory OT network (OT layer) and IT network (IT layer).

two-layer and three-level

Whether OT can provide support from the automated control and monitoring system to ensure the normal progress of production and emphasize stability and reliability. For running systems, OT personnel are more inclined to keep the system unchanged for a long time.

automated control and monitoring system

The responsibilities of the IT layer include supporting business and enterprise management functions and providing network access and connectivity. The IT layer focusses on the digital environment. Because it mainly considers issues such as data processing speed, system reliability and security, IT personnel need to innovate quickly to keep up with technological development.

the digital environment

"Level three" refers to the field level, the workshop level and the factory level, which are divided according to the factory management level, and the network configuration and management strategy of each layer is relatively independent.

the field level, the workshop level and the factory level

Post time: Mar-23-2025

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